electronic services

Ministry news and activities
Departments affiliated to the Office of the Ministry of Planning
It is a platform for managing and following up reconstruction, stability and development projects by relying on an integrated spatial database that contains information and locations of various projects implemented or planned by the Iraqi government or programs and organizations of the international community. The platform contains analytical outputs, final reports, statistical tables for project data, and a window for interaction The geographic portal is the geographical system on which the platform is based and can be accessed through the main interface of the platform, where it enables the user to use several tools to follow up the implementation of projects and extract statistics in easy and sophisticated ways. The platform also contains a special portal for the activities of the executive management to alleviate poverty.
The idea of preparing a medium-term national development plan was born out of the failures and problems that faced the preparation of annual investment programs, especially the difficulty of developing comprehensive medium and long-term development visions. Prioritizing and integrating projects on the basis of the annual development approach. And since the plan is the outcome of national action in which the efforts and inputs of all ministries and concerned authorities in the country are combined and integrated, and it is the development compass that guides the economic and social sectors. The National Development Plan 2018-2022, like its predecessor, sought to adopt the same participatory method in preparing the plan and Ensure the participation of all active parties in the process of preparing the plan, the most important of which is the involvement of ministries and entities not associated with the Ministry, the Kurdistan region, governorates, the private sector, academics and experts from international organizations in all stages of preparing the plan Summary of the national development plan
The Iraqi Development Management System is a comprehensive web-based application that manages the full cycle of government projects and donor-funded development projects in Iraq, including social, economic and environmental projects. And that the Iraqi development management system will be a reliable, reliable and invaluable source for distributing development projects by sectors, governorates and implementing agencies. The Iraqi Development Management System has been designed to support and keep pace with the National Development Plan for the years (2010-2018), which includes about 3,000 projects with a total value of $186 billion to be implemented within five years. This system was designed with the cooperation of expert teams from the Ministry of Planning, the US Agency for International Development / Development Project, the United Nations Development Program and Synergy International Systems. The Iraqi Development Management System will enhance accountability and transparency in the management of development resources in Iraq