For the second day, the Ministry of Planning Respectively. Holding the expanded workshop on the project to strengthen inclusive local governance in Iraq In cooperation with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).
On the second day of the workshop, participants discussed inclusivity and streamlining procedures. The single window and adaptation to climate change.
The first session of the workshop included discussions on the definition of disability inclusion through which the needs and rights of both men and women with disabilities are integrated into planning, development, implementation, evaluation, and legislation, while the second session focused on the area of simplifying procedures, with the participation of governorate representatives. The session also included a presentation on the efforts of the program and all its partners so far to streamline processes and service delivery.
While the third session highlighted the developed and improved single window centers, supported by the Strengthening Inclusive Local Governance using Communities of Practice and Learning methodology, and the fourth session: The fourth session, in which the Climate Change Risk Assessment Institute participated, addressed the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, identifying key actors within the governorates and clarifying their roles in the implementation of the protocol. The session also included the planning and development of the roadmap, through the collaboration of participants in determining the next steps of workshops and training programs.
The workshop was attended by representatives of ministries, non-governmental organizations and governorates, in addition to representatives of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), civil society organizations and relevant authorities