Department of Human Development

Functions of the executive management of population policies

Implementation of the activities approved in the cooperation plan with the United Nations Population Fund in 2020.

Preparing for organizing the meetings of the National Committee for Population Policies and the Higher Population Council, preparing the minutes of the meetings and following up on their decisions.

– Participation with the Central Statistical Organization in the implementation of the surveys that have been agreed upon and the general census of population and housing.

Implementation of the activities agreed upon in the work plan with the International Organization for Migration.

– Implementation of the technical cooperation program framework with ESCWA.

– Expressing opinion and advice in areas related to population issues, employment, education, health and social issues.

Follow up on the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals related to population, development, education and social development.

Preparing for organizing the World Population Day celebration.

Functions of the Department of Employment and Manpower Policies

– Inventory and analysis of the reality and movement of employment in ministries and agencies not associated with a ministry for the year 2019

– Inventory and analysis of the reality and movement of employment in the Ministry of Planning for the year 2019.

Participate in monitoring and following up the objectives of the National Employment Policy.

– Follow up the preparation of a database on graduates in Iraqi universities with the Information Technology Department.

Functions of the Department of Education Policies

Preparing a plan for postgraduate studies for the academic year 2020/2021 inside Iraq according to the scientific level and the broad and precise specialization of ministries and entities not associated with a ministry.

– Expressing opinion and advice in creating departments for postgraduate studies in Iraqi universities.

– Preparing a follow-up report on the implementation of the study leave plan inside and outside Iraq for the academic year 2018/2019, which is planned and implemented.

– Updating the database of the education sectors.

– Updating the base for creating postgraduate studies in Iraqi universities.

– Preparing a report on postgraduate studies developed during the academic year 2019/2020.

Functions of the Social Development Policies Section

Updating the database of indicators, data and information related to legislation and laws related to social development.

Preparing an analytical report on the results of an inventory of policies and strategies for human, social and demographic development approved and under preparation in ministries and agencies not associated with a ministry in Iraq for the year 2019 (proposed options and interventions).

– Preparing an annual report on monitoring and following up the implementation of Article (15) within the Law of Caring for People with Disabilities and Special Needs established in the law.

– Participate in the preparation of a policy and an executive plan on inclusive education for persons with disabilities and special needs with the relevant ministries under the auspices of the British Council.

Tasks of the Women’s Empowerment Division

Follow up on women’s affairs in the ministry and suggest ways to develop their work.

Preparing awareness and educational seminars on health and social issues for women.

– Preparing for the celebration of International Women’s Day.

Preparing for the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women.

Preparing and following up the Ministry’s plan within the framework of implementing Security Council Resolution 1325.

Functions of the executive management of population policies

Implementation of the activities approved in the cooperation plan with the United Nations Population Fund in 2019

Preparing for organizing the meetings of the National Committee for Population Policies and the Higher Population Council, preparing the minutes of the meetings and following up on their decisions.

Participating with the Central Statistical Organization in the implementation of the surveys that were agreed upon with the concerned authorities in the implementation plan of the National Document for Population Policies in 2019 (Survey of Iraqis Abroad, The integrated survey of the health and social conditions of Iraqi women. General census of population and housing, Youth Survey).

Implementation of the activities agreed upon in the work plan with the International Organization for Migration.

– Implementation of the technical cooperation program framework with ESCWA.

– Follow up the establishment of a research center specialized in population studies.

– Expressing opinion and advice in areas related to population issues, employment, education, health and social issues.

Follow up on the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals related to population, development, education and social development.

– Conducting an inventory of population and human development policies and analyzing the results related to them

(An activity shared by all department divisions)

Electronic newsletter / nineteenth issue

– Electronic newsletter / eighteenth issue

Activities of the Education Policies Department for the second week of January 2019

– Updating the labor market survey form in the government and public sectors.

Completion of a report listing the reality and movement of employment in ministries and agencies not associated with the Ministry of 2015

Completion of an inventory of the reality and movement of employment in the Ministry of Planning for the year 2015

Completion of the postgraduate studies plan for the academic year 2017/2018 inside and outside Iraq, according to the academic level and the exact specialization of ministries and agencies not associated with a ministry.

– Creation of postgraduate departments in Iraqi universities

Completion of a follow-up report on the implementation of the study leave plan inside and outside Iraq for the academic year 2015/2016, which was planned and implemented.

Updating the database of the education sectors.

Completion of a guide for educational indicators and terminology.

Preparing an analytical report to follow up the implementation of approved social policies in ministries and agencies not associated with a ministry in the light of an inventory of social policies.

Implementation of the plan of the Ministry of Planning on Security Council Resolution 1325 (women, security and peace).

Updating the database of the most important indicators of social development.

Implementation of the activities approved in the cooperation plan with the United Nations Population Fund in 2016.

Participating with the Central Statistical Organization in implementing the surveys that were agreed upon in the executive plan of the National Document for Population Policies in 2017.

-Follow up the implementation of projects that have been agreed upon with the concerned authorities in the implementation plan of the population document for the year 2017.

Preparing the national and regional list of sustainable development indicators.

Preparing a report on the activities and localizing them to achieve the goals of sustainable development.

Contribute to the preparation of the National Development Plan (2018-2022) by participating in the work of the technical committees and writing background papers for the plan in the field of population, manpower, education and social development.