Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Planning inspects a number of the Ministry’s facilities and directs to ensure safety and security requirements at work

The Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Planning, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Tamim, headed On Sunday, a tour of a number of the Ministry's facilities. To see the reality of…

Continue ReadingDeputy Prime Minister – Minister of Planning inspects a number of the Ministry’s facilities and directs to ensure safety and security requirements at work

The Ministry of Planning teams visit the project to develop and rehabilitate Al-Nu’man Hospital with a capacity of (75) beds in the capital, Baghdad The Ministry of Planning stated that the specialized follow-up teams in the ministry carried out a field visit to the project to develop and rehabilitate Al-Numan Hospital in Baghdad,…

Continue ReadingThe Ministry of Planning teams visit the project to develop and rehabilitate Al-Nu’man Hospital with a capacity of (75) beds in the capital, Baghdad

The Ministry of Planning is following up on the field a project to rehabilitate three electrical units in the Dibis district of Kirkuk Governorate Today, Sunday, the Ministry of Planning announced the imminent completion of a project to rehabilitate three electrical units, type (TH20), at the Dibis power station in Kirkuk Governorate, after…

Continue ReadingThe Ministry of Planning is following up on the field a project to rehabilitate three electrical units in the Dibis district of Kirkuk Governorate

Deputy Prime Minister, minister of planning, meets the British ambassador, and are looking to develop the private sector. conducting a population census, Implementation of clean energy projects

The Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Planning, Dr. Muhammad Ali Tamim, received today, Wednesday, The UK Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Mark Bryson-Richardson, And his accompanying delegation, which included a…

Continue ReadingDeputy Prime Minister, minister of planning, meets the British ambassador, and are looking to develop the private sector. conducting a population census, Implementation of clean energy projects

Deputy Prime Minister, minister of planning, is inspecting a number of service projects implemented in the Hit district of Anbar Governorate

Mr. Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Planning, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Tamim checked, Accompanied by the Governor of Anbar, Dr. Ali Farhan, And Deputy Muhammad Muhannad, and the commander…

Continue ReadingDeputy Prime Minister, minister of planning, is inspecting a number of service projects implemented in the Hit district of Anbar Governorate

The Ministry of Planning announces the establishment of the Al-Shirqat Statistics Division in Salah Al-Din Directorate

The Ministry of Planning announced the start of the establishment of Al-Shirqat Statistics Division in Salah Al-Din Directorate, after it was referred by the Fund for the Reconstruction of Liberated…

Continue ReadingThe Ministry of Planning announces the establishment of the Al-Shirqat Statistics Division in Salah Al-Din Directorate