Iraq participates in the meetings of the Arab Committee for Geospatial Information Management In Jeddah

Iraq participated in the meetings of the Arab Committee of Experts on Geospatial Information Management. held in Jeddah last week.Iraq, which is one of the members of this committee, was…

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The Telecommunications Sector in the Operations Room of the General Population and Housing Census holds a detailed meeting to follow up on preparations for the implementation of the census

The Telecommunications Sector in the Operations Room of the General Population and Housing Census held a meeting dedicated to following up on the work of the electronic census.Headed by Mr.…

Continue ReadingThe Telecommunications Sector in the Operations Room of the General Population and Housing Census holds a detailed meeting to follow up on preparations for the implementation of the census

The Ministry of Planning holds its ninth meeting of the Governance and Digital Transformation Committee

Today, Sunday, the Ministry of Planning held the ninth meeting of the Governance and Digital Transformation Committee. It is one of the sectoral committees to prepare the national development plan…

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The Ministry of Planning announces the establishment of the Al-Shirqat Statistics Division in Salah Al-Din Directorate

The Ministry of Planning announced the start of the establishment of Al-Shirqat Statistics Division in Salah Al-Din Directorate, after it was referred by the Fund for the Reconstruction of Liberated…

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The Human Capital and Poverty Reduction Committee discusses the preparation of the National Development Plan (2023-2027)

The Human Capital and Poverty Alleviation Committee at the Ministry of Planning held its third meeting. Within a series of its meetings to prepare the national development plan for the…

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Iraq participates in the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Finance Committee of the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC)

The fourth meeting of the Finance Committee and the twenty-fifth meeting of the Board of Directors of the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC) were held in the…

Continue ReadingIraq participates in the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Finance Committee of the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC)