Contracts Section
The Contracts section was formed pursuant to Ministerial Order No. (1722) in 7/10/2007 To be responsible for managing contracts and following up the implementation of public contracts for the Ministry of Planning, and to be directly linked to the Minister from the administrative point of view and to the General Government Contracts Department from the technical point of view, and the committees of opening and analyzing bids are linked to it.
Duties of the Contracts section
Contracting Division: It is headed by an experienced and specialized employee linked to the director of the department and includes a number of specialists, experts, technicians and legal experts and exercises the following tasks:
- Number of tender documents.
- Announcement of tenders.
- Implementing the response procedures, preparing and signing draft contracts in coordination with ministries or agencies not linked to a ministry, the region or the governorates.
- Approaching the concerned authorities for the purpose of obtaining approval to choose the best method for executing contracts and obtaining the approved approvals in this regard.
- Carrying out any other tasks consistent with the work function of this division.
Follow-up Division: It is headed by an employee with expertise and specialization and is linked to the director of the department and includes a number of specialists and experts and exercises the following tasks:
- Obtaining the original approvals on the financial allocations in coordination with the concerned departments in the ministry regarding projects and the various ministry contracts.
- Follow-up of work preparation requirements.
- Reports on public contracts shall be submitted to the concerned authorities.
- Carrying out any other tasks that are compatible with the work function of this division.
Division of Electronic Archive and Contractual Information Management System: It is headed by an experienced and specialized employee and is linked to the department manager. It includes a number of specialists and experts and exercises the following tasks:
- Save the official correspondence and correspondence of this formation.
- By archiving information related to contractual procedures and the implementation of contracts on a computer system and linking these systems with the General Government Contracts Department.
- Execute the secretarial tasks of this formation.
- Carrying out any other tasks that are appropriate to the nature of this division.