Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Planning, Congratulates the educational family in Iraq. On the occasion of Teacher’s Day

Deputy Prime Minister , minister of planning , Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Tamim congratulated, on Wednesday, The educational family in Iraq. On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, which falls on the first of March every year.
In his congratulations, the minister appreciated the rich giving and the great sacrifices made by the teacher throughout the history of Iraq. Pointing out that the teacher who was almost a messenger, represents an important pillar of development, for the great role they play, as aeducators and teachers for generations, Iraqi teachers have continued their efforts in performing their role despite all the challenges they faced in different eras and periods. Pointing out that this role will grow further in light of the scientific development witnessed by the world. This requires providing an optimal environment for education in Iraq. This is what the Ministry of Planning is working on through its development plans in coordination with the concerned authorities. Pointing out that teachers will be the strong executive arm of the next general population and housing census.
The Deputy Prime Minister , Minister of Planning ended his congratulations, By saluting the teaching staff, Wishing them more giving

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